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Lightrun Release Notes

Here's where you'll find the latest Lightrun release notes, including the main highlights, enhancements, and fixes made to each version as it is released.

  • For a consolidated list of all feature and parameter changes and deprecations, see Functionality changes and deprecations. Note that all changes are also documented by release in this document.

    Before upgrading to a new version of Lightrun, we recommend reviewing this list of changes as it may include breaking changes that require your attention.

October 2024

Version 1.44 (Latest)

Release date: 22 October, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)


Upcoming Changes to API Key Management
Starting from version 1.45, admins will only be able to view and copy an API key at the time of generation. To retain the value of an existing key, ensure it is copied before upgrading. Alternatively, follow the recommended process: revoke the current key (identified by its label) and generate a new one.
Feature Enhancements

Java Agent: Support for Snapshot Variable String Rendering

The Java agent now supports the Snapshot Variable String Rendering feature, designed to automatically convert specific Java objects into their string representations during snapshot creation. This ensures that predefined Java classes are rendered in a consistent, human-readable format, improving clarity and efficiency during debugging. By applying a standardized conversion method, developers can easily interpret complex variables, streamlining the troubleshooting process and reducing the need for manual conversions.

The Snapshot Variable String Rendering feature applies string representations by default to the following Java classes: java.util.UUID, java.util.Date, java.sql.Timestamp, java.sql.Time, java.sql.Date, java.time.Instant, java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalTime, java.time.ZonedDateTime, java.time.OffsetDateTime, and java.time.Duration.

To enable this feature, set show_string_representation_of_extra_classes to 1 in the agent.config file. For more information, see Java Agent Configuration.

Lightrun Snapshots: Gain More Control of Snapshot Maximum Hit Limits

Administrators now have greater control over the number of allowed Lightrun snapshot hits with the introduction of the Max Hits Per Snapshot parameter, available in the Service Configuration page of the Lightrun Management Portal. This new parameter complements the existing Max Hits Per Agent, which remains the default in this release. Previously, administrators could only set the maximum number of snapshot hits per agent. With this release, the global parameter allows control over the number of hits per action across all snapshots, reducing server load and optimizing performance. This feature is released with Limited Availability. To enable it, please contact your Account Manager. For more information, see Manage Global Snapshot Hit Count Limits for Plugins.

Version 1.43.0

Release date: 8 October, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)


Lightrun Management Portal: OAuth Authentication Support

We have extended authentication method support to include OAuth2, in addition to HTTP Header Authentication. Both methods offer distinct advantages based on your SCIM integration requirements.

  • HTTP Header Authentication: A simple implementation involving a token or API key in the request header, ideal for straightforward integrations.
  • OAuth2 Authentication: A more advanced framework featuring token expiration, refresh tokens, and fine-grained access control, providing enhanced security for environments with stringent requirements.

Lightrun Management Portal: SCIM Provisioning Using Ping Identity

We have expanded support for SCIM provisioning to include Ping Identity, alongside Okta and Microsoft Entra ID. This extension uses OAuth2 authentication and allows for seamless, automated user account creation integrated in the IdP.

For detailed information, see SCIM Provisioning Using Ping Identity.

Feature Enhancements

Lightrun Management Portal: Set a Domain Allowlist for Self Registration

You can now manage which users can register via the Self-Service link by restricting registration to specific domains through the Domain Allowlist under the Self Service feature. Only users from the allowed domains will be able to register. For more information, see Add and invite users.

Java Agent: Optimized Local Disk Space Consumption by Lightrun Indexing

We’ve optimized the Lightrun indexing process to minimize local disk space usage. This improvement reduces the accumulation of temporary indexing files, ensuring more efficient disk space management.

VS Code Plugin: View Full Variable Values in Snapshots

When taking a snapshot in VS Code, you can see the entire value by hovering over it. A pop-up will open, displaying the full, scrollable value.

Java Agent: Java 23 Support

The Lightrun Java agent now supports Java 23.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

September 2024

Version 1.42.1

Release date: 25 September, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)


Lightrun Management Portal: Extended SAML JIT Provisioning to Support Okta and Ping Identity

We have expanded support for SAML Just-in-Time (JIT) provisioning to include Okta and Ping Identity, alongside Microsoft Entra ID. This extension allows for seamless, automated user account creation in applications integrated with Okta or Ping Identity.

For more information, see:

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.42.0

Release date: 24 September, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)


Lightrun Management Portal: Support for Okta as an OIDC SSO Provider

This release expands our OpenID Connect (OIDC) Single Sign-On (SSO) support to include Okta, alongside Ping Identity. This integration simplifies authentication by enabling the Identity Provider (IdP) to manage the login process and supply Lightrun with user details through ID tokens, reducing the need for separate login management within the platform. For more details, refer to Configuring OIDC SSO with Okta.

Feature Changes

Signup Changes

For on-premise and single-tenant deployments, we have added the ability to sign up from the Lightrun Login page.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.41.2

Release date: 19 September, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue, whereby emails failed to be sent due to incorrect SMTP port settings.

Version 1.41.1

Release date: 15 September, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Feature Changes

Changed the Default State of the Java Log Manager

The use_lightrun_logmanager parameter in the Java agent.config file is now set to 1 (enabled) by default.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue related to .NET nested lambdas.

Version 1.41.0

Release date: 11 September, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)


This release introduces key enterprise-level features that enable organizations to seamlessly integrate and manage Lightrun within their environments.


Lightrun Management Portal: Custom SMTP Connectivity Support


This feature is available for On-premise and Single tenant deployments.

Lightrun requires a functional SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) service to automate email notifications and alerts in response to specific events. This service is essential for Lightrun’s user registration and authentication processes. By default, the Lightrun server comes with a preconfigured SMTP service.

You can choose to set up your own SMTP service if you are working in an air-gapped environment or if your organization requires an internal, dedicated SMTP service. For more information, see Set up a custom SMTP server for email notifications.

Lightrun Management Portal: SAML JIT Provisioning using Microsoft Entra ID Support

As part of our ongoing efforts to provide a seamless experience when working with Lightrun in enterprise organizations, we now offer the ability to use SAML JIT for user provisioning using Microsoft Entra ID. This enables setting up a seamless and automated user account creation process for applications integrated with Microsoft’s identity platform.

By configuring JIT provisioning, administrators can ensure that when users log in to a web application via Single Sign-On (SSO) for the first time, their account is automatically created based on the information passed through SAML assertions from Microsoft Entra ID. This removes the need for manual account creation, reducing administrative effort and enhancing the user experience during onboarding. For more information, see Provision SAML JIT using Microsoft Entra ID.

Lightrun Management Portal: OIDC SSO Identity Provider Support

We have expanded our Single Sign-On (SSO) authentication capabilities to include OpenID Connect (OIDC), in addition to our existing SAML support. Ping Identity is the first OIDC Identity Provider (IdP) now supported, with additional options planned for future releases.

Configuring SSO with OIDC allows users to authenticate and access Lightrun using a single set of credentials through an OIDC IdP. Built on top of OAuth 2.0, OIDC securely transmits user identity data between the IdP and Lightrun. This streamlines authentication, with the IdP managing the login process and and providing Lightrun with user details in the form of ID tokens, reducing the need for separate login management within the platform. For more information, see Configure OIDC SSO with Ping Identity for your organization.

Feature Changes

Single Sign-On Mechanism Changes

For On-premise and single-tenant deployments, when clicking the Single Sign On button, users are redirected to the company's selected IdP login. The need to fill in the SSO email address as part of the SSO login process is no longer required.

LogOptimizer: Docker Client No Longer Required

You no longer need to have Docker Client installed to run LogOptimizer in your IDE.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue, whereby the ActionUpdateThread.OLD_EDT IDE exception was displayed in the JetBrains IDE.

August 2024

Version 1.40.1

Release date: 25 August, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue in the VS CODE IDE where the 'back' link in snapshots would incorrectly jump to the first hit instead of moving back to the snapshot.
  • Fixed an issue in the VS CODE IDE for the .NET agent where variables were not displayed in the snapshot hit.

Version 1.40.0

Release date: 25 August, 2024 (SaaS Only)


Lightrun Just-In-Time (JIT) Access Support

Lightrun supports Just-in-Time (JIT) access using a set of dedicated REST API commands. This capability enables administrators to generate ad-hoc time restricted permissions to access sensitive agent pools for predetermined periods. For more information, see Grant Just-In-Time (JIT) Access.

IT Access is designed for companies with strict policies and regulations restricting access to sensitive environments and requiring access to be granted only for the minimum period necessary. This feature allows companies to automate the provisioning of elevated permissions and manage them via existing workflow and systems external to Lightrun.

Stay tuned! In the near future, JIT Access will also be configurable manually through the Lightrun Management Portal.

Feature Enhancements

Lightrun Management Portal: SCIM User Management Improvements

Lightrun admins can now assign the Lightrun Admin role directly within Lightrun, rather than through SCIM, as was done previously. Additionally, we have introduced improvements to the way you assign Lightrun groups and roles to your SCIM users within the Lightrun Management Portal. If you have set up your Lightrun Admin role directly using SCIM, please reach out to your Lightrun representative to learn more about the new changes and how to prevent any potential disruptions. Note that the custom mapping to the authorities attribute is no longer required.

Lightrun Management Portal: User Loading Performance Improvement

We have significantly decreased the amount of time it takes to load the User Management page in environments with many users. To support this improvement, the Groups column has been removed and is accessible on the User level.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.39.5

Release date: 19 October, 2024 (On-Premise)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue, whereby under certain circumstances caused performance degradation of the Java Agent.

Version 1.39.3

Release date: 17 September, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue related to .NET nested lambdas.

Version 1.39.2

Release date: 19 August, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue related to the VS Code plugin where adding expressions to an exsiting snapshot failed.

Version 1.39.1

Release date: 19 August, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an internal issue related to the Lightrun Server.

Version 1.39.0

Release date: 11 August, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Feature Enhancements

.NET Agent: Added a Dedicated Dynamic Logger Template for Serilog

We now provide dedicated instructions for setting up the Lightrun Dynamic Logger with Serilog. This enhancement complements our existing support for configuring the Lightrun Dynamic Logger with any logger type using our custom dynamic logger. For more information, see Configure the dynamic logger with Serilog.

VS CODE Plugin: Enhanced Performance for Retrieving Agent-related Logs

To increase the performance of the VS Code plugin, historical Agent-related logs will no longer be loaded automatically when starting the VS Code IDE. To fetch historical logs, click Refresh in the 'Data Delay' mode to generate and view the latest 100 historical logs.

Functionality Change

From release 1.39, actions are retained for 10 days after they expire. Following this period, the actions are automatically deleted.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.38.2

Release date: 7 August, 2024

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed several database-related issues. Applies only the (On-Premise)
  • Fixed an internal issue related to the Lightrun server.

Version 1.38.0

Release date: 4 August, 2024 (SaaS)


Changes to SCIM User Management
In the upcoming release, SCIM admins will be able to assign the Lightrun Admin role directly within Lightrun, rather than through SCIM, as was done previously. Additionally, we have introduced improvements to the way you assign Lightrun groups and roles to your SCIM users within the Lightrun Management Portal. If you have set up your Lightrun Admin role directly using SCIM, please reach out to your Lightrun representative to learn more about the new changes and how to prevent any potential disruptions.
Feature Enhancements

JetBrains and VS Code Plugins: Deployment Switcher


You need a Lightrun Enterprise plan to use the Deployment Switcher functionality. For more information, see Pricing.

The Deployment Switcher feature applies only to Single-tenant and On-premise environments and is activated upon demand. To enable this feature, please reach out.

In a multi-deployment environment, you no longer need to log out of the IDE to move from one deployment to another. Starting from this release, Lightrun introduces a Deployment Switcher directly within the Lightrun plugin in your IDE. This feature is designed for developers in large enterprise organizations who use Lightrun to debug applications across multiple deployment instances. You can now seamlessly switch between deployments, such as from TESTING to PRODUCTION deployment or between TESTING-EU and TESTING-US.

For more information, see:

Node.JS agent: Enhanced Performance for Large and Nested Snapshots

In version 1.38, Node.js developers can enjoy an improved experience when capturing nested and large snapshots, thanks to the introduction of new parameters:

  • maxVariableDepth: Limits the number of nested properties to reduce the overall capture time. Gathered for deeply nested objects. For example a->b->c with a value of 2, will only capture values of a and b.
  • maxWatchProperties: Limits the number of properties gathered on large objects to reduce the overall capture time. This also applies to objects that are a collection. For example, setting const a = [1,2,3] with maxProperties: 1 and maxWatchProperties: 2, will return 1, 2 when using a watch expression for a. Note that this is an extended limitation for Watch expressions.

In addition, we have updated the default values for the following existing parameters that may lead to breaking changes.

  • maxExpandFrames: The default value has been changed from 5 to 4.
  • maxProperties: The default value has been changed from 10 to 20.

For more information, see Node Agent Configurations.

Java Agent: New snapshot-related parameters

To enhance the peformance when working with snapshots, we have added the following new parameters:

  • capture_object_explore_max_depth: Sets the maximum depth of nested objects. The default value is 50.
  • snapshot_object_max_members: Controls the number of properties captured in an object. The default value is 100.
  • snapshot_expression_max_collection_size: Controls the number of items captured for a collection in a watch expression. The default value is 1024.

For more information, see Java Agent Configurations.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

July 2024

Version 1.37.2

Release date: 23 July, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an internal issue related to placing snapshots in Lambda expressions in the .NET agent.

Version 1.37.1

Release date: 22 July, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)


Please refrain from using this version for VS Code due to a plugin issue.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue related to the Custom Dynamic Logger in the .NET agent.

Version 1.37.0

Release date: 15 July, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)


New SIEM Integration with Lightrun Audit Events

Lightrun's SIEM integration enables real-time streaming of audit events to customer SIEM systems, such as Splunk. This connection allows notifications for various events, including action-related runtime events, auditable operations, user management, and configuration changes.

Security information and event management (SIEM) is a methodology for detecting, analyzing, and responding to security threats to protect business operations. It integrates security information management (SIM) and security event management (SEM) into a unified system. For more information, see SIEM Integration.

.NET Agent: Introducing the New .NET Sandbox

The Lightrun .NET Sandbox is a central component in the Lightrun .NET agent. It verifies and validates full integrity of your application’s behavior when running with Lightrun actions. The Lightrun Sandbox verifies and validates full integrity of your application’s behavior when running with Lightrun actions. The Lightrun Sandbox guarantees no exceptions, system I/O, system calls, or state/flow changes, and ensures that only read-only code is ever added to your application. For more information, see Lightrun Architecture.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.36.4

Release date: 14 July, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an internal issue related to the Lightrun server.

Version 1.36.3

Release date: 10 July, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue related to the .NET agent regarding DebugType portable support for IIS.

Version 1.36.2

Release date: 7 July, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an internal issue related to the JetBrains plugin.

Version 1.36.1

Release date: 3 July, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed internal issues related to the .NET agent.
  • Fixed an internal issue related to the JetBrains plugin.

Version 1.36.0

Release date: 1 July, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Feature Enhancements

Gain Insight into your Agent Consumption in the New Usage Dashboard

Introducing the first phase of the Usage Dashboard, now available to selected customers, as part of the Lightrun Management Portal, with a focus in this release on Agent usage. If you are interested in viewing your data in the dashboard, please contact us directly.

Key Features:

  • Real-Time Agent Monitoring: View the current number of active agents in your organization.
  • Trend Analysis: Access a trend graph that displays the number of active agents over a specified period.
  • Advanced Filtering: Utilize a set of advanced filters to customize the date range to suit your specific needs.

For more details, see Usage Dashboard.

Python Agent: Introduced New Snapshot-related Parameters in agent.config

In this release, we have added a new set of snapshot-related parameters to the agent.config file. These new parameters include:

  • max_collection_size: Controls the number of items captured for a collection.
  • max_watchlist_collection_size: Controls the number of items captured for a collection in a watch expression.
  • max_frames_with_vars: Controls the number of top stack frames for which to read values of local variables.
  • max_object_members: Controls the number of properties captured in an object.

For more information, see Python Configuration Parameters

VS Code Plugin: Enhanced Action-related Capabilities

You can now simply right-click on a line in your code to quickly add a Lightrun action. This new feature enhances your workflow by allowing more efficient debugging and monitoring directly from the editor.

Node.js Agent: Node.js 22 Support

The Lightrun Node.js agent now officially supports Node.js v.22.

JetBrains IDE Plugins: JetBrains Minimum Version is 2022.3

To ensure optimal performance and compatibility, we are updating the minimum supported JetBrains version to 2022.3.

Effective Immediately: Users must update to JetBrains version 2022.3 or later to continue receiving updates and support for the plugin.

Why This Change? This update is part of our ongoing efforts to enhance compatibility and provide better service to our customers.

For any questions or assistance with updating, please contact our support team.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

June 2024

Version 1.35.4

Release date: 23 June, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an internal issue related to the Lightrun server.

Version 1.35.2

Release date: 19 June, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue related to the .NET Agent.
  • Fixed an issue related to the JetBrains plugin for Java.

Version 1.35.0

Release date: 17 June, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Feature Enhancements

Java Agent: Java 22 Support

The Lightrun Java plugin now supports Java 22.

Lightrun Server: Extended ARM64 Support

Lightrun Server has extended support for on-premise deployments on ARM64, in addition to x86-64 for our existing platforms, plus Mac, which is ARM64 only.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.34.5

Release date: 10 July, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue related to the .NET agent regarding DebugType portable support for IIS.

Version 1.34.4

Release date: 20 June, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue related the Lightrun server.

Version 1.34.3

Release date: 14 July, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an internal issue related to the metrics flow in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.34.2

Release date: 5 June, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an internal issue related to the Lightrun server.

Version 1.34.1

Release date: 4 June, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue related to installing the Lightrun plugin in JetBrains.

Version 1.34.0

Release date: 2 June, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Feature Enhancements

All Lightrun Agents: Extended Enhanced Log File Standardization


Breaking Change: If you are sending the Lightrun agent log to a log management solution, please notice that the log file name has changed and may require changes from your side.

In this release, we have standardized the log file naming conventions across all supported development languages. This update provides administrators with better control through consistent log naming, making it easier to identify and manage logs. In addition, we have aligned the following log-related parameters for all the agents:

  • agent_log_target_dir
  • agent_log_level
  • agent_log_max_file_size_mb
  • agent_log_max_file_count

For more information, refer to Java, Python, Node.js and .NET documentation.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a number of security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

May 2024

Version 1.33.2

Release date: 26 May, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a security vulnerability in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.33.1

Release date: 21 May, 2024 (On-Premise)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a security vulnerability in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.33.0

Release date: 20 May, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

HEADS UP NOTICE: Introducing Enhanced Login Method to the Lightrun Server

To align with industry standards and to streamline and simplify the user login process 
for the Lightrun Server, we have implemented a single login method. This strategy 
eliminates the cumbersome task of managing multiple methods in parallel by allowing 
administrators to set a single login method from three options: user-defined password, 
SSO, or Google.

From version 1.33, this new feature will be rolled out gradually and will 
only affect a number of selected customers.

So what's changed?

When you apply the new login method, you will need to select your preferred login method. 
Until you do that, your existing users will be unaffected and will be able to continue 
working, as usual. However, the administrator will not be able to add new users until you select your 
preferred login method.

Once the administrator selects the preferred login method, users will receive 
an activation email. Users' history will remain unaffected, and as soon as 
users reactivate, they will be able to pick up right where they left off.

Stay tuned for further instructions as we roll out these changes.
Feature Enhancements

.NET Agent: Concurrent Support for Additional Profiling Tools

Lightrun introduces support for profiler chaining in the .NET agent allowing you to run multiple profiling tools simultaneously on the same application or system. This feature allows developers and operators to gather performance data and insights from different profiling tools concurrently without conflicts or interference.

In practical terms, profiler chaining enables the coexistence of an additional profiling agent or tool in parallel to Lightrun’s .NET agent. For example, Lightrun's .NET agent and other Application Performance Monitoring (APM) tools, such as Datadog on the same .NET application or environment. Each profiling tool can collect specific types of performance data or provide unique insights into the application's behavior. For more information, see Profile chaining for the Lightrun .NET Lightrun agent.

Java Agent: Enhanced Log File Naming Format


Breaking Change: If you are sending the Lightrun agent log to a log management solution, please notice that the log file name has changed and may require changes from your side.

In our ongoing commitment to providing administrators with enhanced control over their agents, we have standardized the log naming convention. This enhancement aims to make the convention more intuitive, facilitating easier identification and detection of your logs.

The new format is: lightrun_java_agent.<PID>.<TIMESTAMP>.<LOG_ROTATION_RUNNING_INDEX>.log

An example of the new log format: lightrun_java_agent.22840.20240513-153557.1.log In the example, The new convention includes the log name - lightrun_java_agent, the log file PID - 22840, the date and time following the YYYYMMDD-HHMMSS convention - 20240513-153557, and the log rotation running index is 1.

To facilitate the transition, here is the log convention in previous versions:

Version Log Format
Version 1.32 lightrun.log.<LOG_ROTATION_RUNNING_INDEX>.<TIMESTAMP>.
Prior to version 1.32 lightrun_java_agent.<HOSTNAME>.<USER>.log.<TIMESTAMP>.

In forthcoming releases, this initiative will be extended to Node.js and .NET log files.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.32.5

Release date: 22 May, 2024 (On-Premise)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a security vulnerability in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.32.4

Release date: 20 May, 2024 (On-Premise)

Bug Fix
  • Fixed an issue related to Single Sign-on (SSO).

Version 1.32.3

Release date: 15 May, 2024 (On-Premise)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a security vulnerability in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.32.1

Release date: 9 May, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a security vulnerability in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.32.0

Release date: 6 May, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Feature Enhancements

Java Agent: New Parameters for Customizing Agent-related Logs

In this release, we introduced new parameters aimed at optimizing your Agents' log settings. Now, you have even greater control over how your Agents handle logs. You can fine-tune these settings using the following four configurable parameters, accessible via both the agent.config file, environment variables and the command line flags: agent_log_max_file_size_mb, agent_log_max_file_count, agent_log_target_dir, and agent_log_level. For more information, see Java Agent Configuration.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

April 2024

Version 1.31.1

Release date: 22 April, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue related to SCIM in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.31.0

Release date: 21 April, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Feature Enhancements

NET Agent: Added Blocklisting Support

We have expanded blocklisting support to the .NET agents. Blocklists can be used to prevent Lightrun actions from being inserted in classes that might expose sensitive data. Files and packages that include the patterns you've specified in the Blocklist table are protected and your team won't be able to add actions into those code areas. For more information, see Blocklists.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed an issue related to SCIM in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.30.2

Release date: 11 April 2024

Feature Enhancement

.NET Agent: Support Apple Silicon Macs (M1, M2)

You can now run the .Net Agent on M1 and M2 Apple silicon. This means that you can now create Lightrun actions (dynamic logs, and snapshots) using the .Net Agent. For more information, see .Net Agent System Requirements.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

March 2024

Version 1.29.1

Release date: 24 March, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a security vulnerability in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.29.0

Release date: 24 March, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Feature Enhancements

Added Blocklisting Support

We have expanded blocklisting support to the .NET agents. Blocklists can be used to prevent Lightrun actions from being inserted in classes that might expose sensitive data. Files and packages that include the patterns you've specified in the Blocklist table are protected and your team won't be able to add actions into those code areas. For more information, see Blocklists.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.28.1

Release Date: 17 March, 2024 (On-Premise)

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.28.0

Release Date: 10 March, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Feature Enhancements

Lightrun Management Portal Enhancements: Introducing the New Identity and Access Management Tab

As part of our ongoing commitment to improving your experience with our Management Portal webUI, we've revamped the Settings section to offer a smoother user experience. Introducing the new Identity and Access Management tab, which now includes Users, Agent Pools, Permissions & Access and the new Identity Configuration page. Additionally, to simplify login management, we've centralized SSO, SCIM, and Self Service settings under the revamped Identity Configuration page. Please note that the Self Service feature enables you to invite users using a preset URL to join your organization from the New Member page. It is important to mention that 'Self Service' is enabled by default.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

Version 1.27.0

Release Date: 25 February, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Feature Enhancements

Python Agent: Python 3.11.0 Support

The Python Agent now supports Python 3.11.0. Refer to Known Limitations for details.

Bug Fixes
  • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

February 2024

Version 1.26.0

Release Date: 18 February, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)

Feature Enhancements

Java, Python, and, Node.JS Agents: PII Redaction Enhancements

  • PII Redaction Now Processes Complex and Nested Objects

    In this release, we have extended the support for PII redaction to nested objects to ensure comprehensive privacy protection within complex data structures, bolstering compliance efforts and minimizing the risk of data breaches. With this update, we've tackled the challenge of masking values within multi-level objects during PII Redaction by Name.

    Please note that when PII redaction is performed on Node.JS and Python languages, the nested objects will be redacted and displayed in the log lines as REDACTED. The behavior of the Lightrun Java agent differs, as it consistently masks nested objects higher than level 1 hierarchy with , irrespective of whether PII redaction is enabled or not.

    • Enhanced Rendering of Java Maps and Arrays

      From version 1.26, Lightrun has also improved the rendering of map and arrays object types.


    Due to the latest changes to the PII Redaction feature, it is recommended that you review your current PII rules and adhere to the changes to have a much simpler and streamlined functionality. Feel free to contact your customer support team for any questions or issues that you might have.

    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

    Version 1.25.0

    Release Date: 29 January, 2024 (SaaS, On-Premise to follow the next week)


    This release applies to SaaS and On-Premise. The On-Premise release incorporates all the content introduced in the preceding SaaS versions 1.23.x, as well as 1.24.0. Additionally, both releases incorporate the bug fixes and security fixes introduced in this release.

    Feature Enhancements

    LogOptimizer Major Enhancements

    On-Premise: Introduced in this version | SaaS: From version 1.24

    We have taken the Lightrun LogOptimizer solution to the next level by introducing the following enhancements:

    • A shiny and intuitive new UI.
    • Aggregated filtered results.
    • Ability to filter results by path.
    • Go to the suspected logging statement directly from the scan results.
    • Ability to delete a log directly from the LogOptimizer. For more information, see LogOptimizer Overview.

    Private System API Keys Support

    On-Premise: Introduced in this version | SaaS: From version 1.24

    We have introduced private system API Keys with AES-128 encryption. This significant enhancement adds an extra layer of security to the application's communication. With this feature, users can now generate API keys through the Lightrun Management Server, creating a secure authentication mechanism for various application requests. This includes requests to SCIM endpoints and Lightrun Integrations, such as Prometheus integration endpoints. For more information, see Lightrun System API Keys.

    JVM Agent: JDK 21 Support

    On-Premise: Introduced in this version | SaaS: From version 1.24

    The Lightrun JVM agent now supports JDK 21.

    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue related to the performance of the Lightrun LogOptimizer tool.
    • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

    January 2024

    Version 1.24.0

    Release Date: 14 January, 2024 (SaaS)

    Feature Enhancements

    JVM Agent: JDK 21 Support

    The Lightrun JVM agent now supports JDK 21.

    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an issue in the Lightrun JetBrains plugin where creating a new action from the gutter, resulted in an incorrect line number entry.

    Version 1.23.1

    Release Date: 2 January, 2024 (SaaS)

    Feature Enhancements

    LogOptimizer Major Enhancements

    We have taken the Lightrun LogOptimizer solution to the next level by introducing the following enhancements:

    • A shiny and intuitive new UI.
    • Aggregated filtered results.
    • Ability to filter results by path.
    • Go to suspected logging statement directly from the scan results.
    • Ability to delete a log directly from the LogOptimizer.

    To learn more, see LogOptimizer Overview.

    LogOptimizer Scan Results

    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed multiple internal bugs and security vulnerabilities in the Lightrun server.

    Version 1.22.4

    Release Date: January 21, 2024 (On-Premise)

    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed a security vulnerability in the Lightrun server.

    Version 1.22.3

    Release Date: January 16, 2024 (On-Premise)

    Feature Enhancements

    JVM Agent: JDK 21 Support

    The Lightrun JVM agent now supports JDK 21.

    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed a security vulnerability in the Lightrun server.

    Version 1.22.2

    Release Date: January 2, 2024 (On-Premise)

    Bug Fixes
    • Fixed an internal bug in the Lightrun server.

    Last update: October 22, 2024