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Provisioning users overview (Enhanced login)


Only users with ROLE_MANAGER permissions can perform these actions.


Starting with version 1.50, a more streamlined process for adding users was introduced through the enhanced login mechanism. To access the enhanced login experience, upgrade to version 1.50 and activate the enhanced login mechanism on the Identity Configuration page. For more information, see Enhanced Login Experience guide.

For instructions on adding and inviting users with the legacy experience, see Add and invite users to your organization.

Lightrun offers several provisioning methods to manage user access, including manual user creation, self-service registration, and governed provisioning using SCIM and SAML Just-In-Time (JIT) provisioning. These methods allow administrators to efficiently manage user accounts and permissions, ensuring that only authorized users have access to Lightrun.


You need to set the single login method for your organization before setting up provisioning. For more information, see Lightrun login methods overview.

Supported provisioning methods in Lightrun

The following table outlines the provisioning methods supported in Lightrun, detailing how to enable each method and the user flow once activated. This information will assist you in determining the most suitable provisioning method for your organization.

Provisioning method Description Login method dependency How to enable
Manually add users or invite them in the Lightrun Management Portal Ideal for scenarios where a small number of users need to be added or if the organization does not have a central user management system. N/A Add users manually in the User Management page in the Lightrun Management Portal. For more information, see Manually add or invite users to Lightrun.
Self-Service link A standardized invitation URL with the organization's domain allows users to self-register as members of the organization. N/A Link is displayed on the login page. For more information, see Add users with self-register using a predefined link.
SCIM Provisioning SCIM (System for Cross-Domain Identity Management) The SCIM protocol supports centralized user management for the entire user lifecycle, including provisioning, permissions, and de-provisioning, as opposed to SAML JIT, which focuses only on the sign-up process. Requires SSO Enable SSO and SCIM in the Identity Configuration page. For more information, see SCIM overview.
SAML JIT Provisioning simplifies user management by creating accounts only when needed, triggered by a successful SSO login. Requires SSO Enable SSO and SAML JIT in the Identity Configuration page. For more information, see SAML JIT Provisioning Overview.

Get started

Access the Identity Configuration page in the Lightrun Management Portal and:

  1. Set your login method

  2. Proceed to set up your preferred provisioning method:

Last update: February 17, 2025