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Customize the Lightrun Java agent

According to the Lightrun actions you specify, the agent dynamically inserts logs, metrics, and snapshots into the target environment. The agent's behavior when performing these tasks is governed by a set of user-configurable properties.

Agent properties

You can modify the agent's behavior by configuring its properties. Configuring the agent properties can be done either from the command line flags or from the agent.config file. The agent properties are defined per agent.

Setting agent properties from the command line

You can flexibly set many of the available agent properties as part of the command when running your application.

Some are passed as “agent flags”, with additions to the agentpath parameter.

-agentpath:<path-to-agent>/<parameter>=<value>,--<parameter>=<value>... <AppName>

Others are passed as JVM flags using the -D syntax.

-agentpath:<path-to-agent>/ -D<flag>=<value> <AppName>


The example below shows both kinds of flags:

java -agentpath:/agent/<PATH_TO_JAR> -Dcom.lightrun.secret=<YOUR-SECRET>  <AppName>

See the tables below for details.

Setting agent properties from the agent.config file

To manually set agent properties in the agent.config file:

  1. On the server where the application is running, navigate to <install_dir>/agent/agent.config.
  2. In the agent.config file, edit the values for the relevant properties.


You must save the changes and restart the application to apply the new configuration.

Agent properties list

The following tables describe the agent properties that you can customize for an agent.

JVM flags


Use -D to pass these through the command line

Parameter name Explanation Default value Type
com.lightrun.server URL of the Lightrun server. The correct path is automatically inserted. Must not be modified. None string
com.lightrun.secret Lightrun agent API key None char(64)
com.lightrun.DynamicLog.handlers File and error log handlers where to send logs java.util.logging.FileHandler
com.lightrun.DynamicLog.ConsoleHandler.formatter Specifies the name of a Formatter class to use None string
com.lightrun.DynamicLog.ConsoleHandler.pattern Specifies the error log file name pattern None string
com.lightrun.DynamicLog.FileHandler.formatter specifies the name of a Formatter class to use None string
com.lightrun.DynamicLog.FileHandler.pattern Specifies a pattern for generating the output log file name. "%u" is a unique number automatically assigned at runtime /tmp/lightrun_file_handler_logs%u.log string

Agent flags


Use -- to pass these through the command line

Parameter name Explanation Default value Type
max_dynamic_log_rate Maximum allowed ratio of logs printed (the higher ratio, the more logs are allowed to be printed) 60 int32
max_condition_cost Maximum allowed additional CPU load when inserting actions during condition evaluation (value between 0.1 and 1.0) 1.0 float
max_log_cpu_cost Maximum allowed additional CPU load when logging (value between 0.1 and 1.0) 1.0 float
max_snapshot_buffer_size Maximum allowed total bytes for snapshots 655360 int32
log_stats_time_micros How often (in microseconds) to log debugger performance statistics. Set to zero to never log stats 3000000 int32
breakpoint_expiration_sec Time-to-live for actions 3600 int32
dynamic_log_quota_recovery_ms Time in milliseconds to pause a dynamic log after quota is reset 500 int32
ignore_quota Disable performance safety measures - USE WITH CAUTION 0 bool
pinned_certs 64 character sha256 certificate public key hash for pinning 515a630cfd1fb908
enable_pii_redaction Enable personally identifiable information (PII) redaction at the agent's side (may affect the application's performance) 0 bool
exit_after_report_all Agent empties queues before the application exits. 0 bool
longpolling_timeout_milli The timeout duration, in milliseconds, for long-polling requests. It defines the maximum time the server should wait for new data to become available before timing out the request. 30000 int32
max_dynamic_log_bytes_rate Maximum allowed output rate for logs (bytes per second) 204800 int32
max_snapshot_frame_count Maximum allowed snapshot frame count 5 int32
capture_object_explore_max_depth Sets the maximum depth of nested objects.
Note: Supported from version 1.38.
50 int32
snapshot_object_max_members Controls the number of properties captured in an object.
Note: Supported from version 1.38.
100 int37
snapshot_expression_max_collection_size Controls the number of items captured for a collection in a watch expression.
Note: Supported from version 1.38.
1024 int32
transmission_bulk_max_size The maximum number of action updates allowed to be transmitted in a single batch. 10 int32
invokedynamic_enabled Enables invokedynamic bytecode instruction support 0 bool
boxing_unboxing_enabled Enables or disables Java expressions and conditions autoboxing and unboxing support. Value can either be 0 (disabled), or 1 (enabled). 1 (enabled) bool
agent_log_max_file_size_mb Maximum size in MB that a log file can reach before being rotated. 10 int32
agent_log_max_file_count Maximum number of rotated log files to keep. Note that old files get deleted when this number of log files is reached. 5 int32
agent_log_target_dir Sets the target directory for storing agent logs, which defaults to the operating system's temporary folder.
From version 1.33, the log filename will be generated automatically according to the format: lightrun_java_agent.<PID>.<TIMESTAMP>.<LOG_ROTATION_RUNNING_INDEX>.log. For example: lightrun_java_agent.22840.20240513-153557.1.log.

Note: For Java agents running on Windows, the path syntax requires the use of double backslashes, as demonstrated: agent_log_target_dir=C:\\Users\\user\\AppData\\Local\\Temp
Predefined path string
agent_log_level Minimum log level that is written to the log file. Available levels of severity, from the highest to lowest (not case sensitive): None, Fatal, Error, Warning, Info, Debug, and Verbose Info String
use_lightrun_logmanager Sets the status of the Java Log Manager. 1 (Enabled) bool
enable_new_classpath_indexer Optimize the Lightrun indexing process to minimize local disk space usage, by reducing the accumulation of temporary indexing files, ensuring more efficient disk space management.
Note: For opitmal usage, ensure that the use_lightrun_logmanager parameter is enabled. Supported from version 1.43.
0 bool
show_string_representation_of_extra_classes The Snapshot Variable String Rendering feature applies string representations by default to the following Java classes: java.util.UUID, java.util.Date, java.sql.Timestamp, java.sql.Time, java.sql.Date, java.time.Instant, java.time.LocalDate, java.time.LocalTime, java.time.ZonedDateTime, java.time.OffsetDateTime, and java.time.Duration. Supported from version 1.44. 0 (Disabled) bool

Additional command line flags

The following flags can be set only from the command line:

Parameter Explanation Type
lightrun_extra_class_path Additional directories and files containing resolvable binaries. You can specify an absolute path with a range of filenames using wildcard characters that adhere to glob patterns.
- Wilcard support is supported from version 1.18.1.
lightrun_extra_class_path_delimiter Set the delimiter character in the lightrun_extra_class_path. By default, the delimiter is set using a colon (:) character. You can specify an absolute path with a range of filenames using wildcard characters that adhere to glob patterns.

*Note: Wilcard support added in version 1.18.1.
lightrun_exclude_class_path Prevent JAR, WAR and EAR file types from being loaded and indexed when the Java agent launches, even though they are included in paths that are listed in the CLASSPATH environment settings. This option is intended to reduce the CPU and memory required for launching our agent by excluding these irrelevant classes. You can specify an absolute path with a range of filenames using wildcard characters that adhere to glob patterns.

*Note: Wilcard support added in version 1.18.1.
lightrun_exclude_class_path_delimiter Set the delimiter character in the lightrun_exclude_class_path. By default, the delimiter is set using the colon (:) character. bool
index_compressed_archives Allows loading compressed archives, In addition to native Java archive types such as JAR, WAR and EAR. The compressed archives are decompressed and any JAR, WAR or EAR file included in them is loaded and indexed. You can specify an absolute path with a range of filenames using wildcard characters that adhere to glob patterns. By default, this parameter is set as false.

- The field is availble from version 1.15 with support for Zip Archive types.
- Wilcard support is supported from version 1.18.1.
lightrun_wait_for_init Block the application until the first time breakpoints are fetched from the server. This option is intended for short-running applications like serverless functions, and it ensures that the Lightrun agent has time to communicate with the Lightrun server before the short-running application disconnects.

Note - using lightrun_wait_for_init in a cloud environment will likely incur additional costs from the cloud provider due to a longer application runtime.
lightrun_init_wait_time_ms Timeout in milliseconds for wait if lightrun_wait_for_init is set. int32


To add multiple values to the lightrun_extra_class_path flag, chain the values together just as you would in a regular JVM CLASSPATH environment value. Use the appropriate separator for your operating system.

Enabling Lightrun support for invokedynamic bytecode instruction in Java methods

A number of language constructs, such as Lambda functions and plus-operator string concatenation, supported in Java, Groovy, Scala, and Kotlin, are compiled into a special bytecode instruction - invokedynamic. Enabling support for the invokedynamic bytecode instruction in Lightrun requires enabling the feature in the agent.config file and specifying a dump folder for dynamically created classes. Once activated, Lightrun can process expressions or conditions containing calls to methods with the invokedynamic bytecode instruction.

An example of a Lightrun condition or experssion can be demonstrated as follows:

methodA().methodB() == methodC()

In this example, if any of the methods — methodA, methodB, or methodC include an invokedynamic bytecode instruction, Lightrun can process the condition. This includes scenarios where Lambda calls occur within their execution flow, whether immediately or recursively.

However, it is important to note this known limitation: You cannot add syntax reliant on the invokedynamic bytecode instruction directly within the condition or expression, such as Lambdas and plus-operator string concatenation. Nevertheless, when the Invokedynamic instruction is within a compiled class in your application, Lightrun conditions and expressions will be able to process it.

  1. Configure the invokedynamic_enabled parameter in your agent.config file.

    invokedynamic_enabled = 1

  2. Specify a dump folder. The process differs depending on the Java version being used.

    • For Java versions 20 and lower

      1. Specify a dump folder to allow the JVM agent to read your generated Lambda classes.
      2. Create a new folder, for example: /myapp/dump.
      3. Add the new folder in your JVM options.


      4. Add the new folder to your CLASSPATH.

        -classpath [other_classpath_items]:/myapp/dump

    • For Java versions 21 and higher

      1. Enable dumping of dynamically created Lambda classes. Note that the JVM will dump the dynamically created lambda classes to the following path:



      2. Add the dump folder to your CLASSPATH. Note that the folder name is system-defined and cannot be altered.

        -classpath [other_classpath_items]:{projectDir}/DUMP_LAMBDA_PROXY_CLASS_FILES

Last update: October 22, 2024