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.NET: Metadata and Tags


Running agents with .NET allow for two types of metadata to be specified:

  • DisplayName - identifies the application instance (for example, server name, company site)
  • Tags - groups the agents according to context (for example, staging, production, server, QA)

The two properties can be specified either in your code with the Lightrun.Start command or in an agent.metadata.json file.

Specifying agent tags within the code

The metadata properties can be declared in the Lightrun.Start command, as follows:

LightrunAgent.Start(new AgentOptions {
    Secret = "<LIGHTRUN_SECRET>",
    DisplayName = "<agent_display_name>",
    Tags = new[] {"Production", "Main", "EastUS"}

Specifying agent metadata and tags within a JSON file

  1. Create an agent.metadata.json file in your project’s repository.
  2. Insert your tag and display name into the agent.metadata.json file in the following format:
        "registration": {
            "displayName": "<DISPLAY_NAME>",
            "tags": [
                    "name": "<Tag1>"
                    "name": "<Tag2>"
                    "name": "<Tag3>"
  3. Add the path to the agent.metadata.json file to your Lightrun.Start command.
    LightrunAgent.Start(new AgentOptions {
        Secret = "<LIGHTRUN_SECRET>",
        RegistrationMetadataFile = "<full-path-to-agent.metadata.json-file>"

Last update: March 11, 2025