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Customize the Lightrun .NET agent

According to the Lightrun actions you specify, the agent dynamically inserts logs and snapshots in the target environment. The agent's behavior when performing these tasks is governed by a set of user-configurable properties.

Agent properties

You can specify the agent properties within your code, by using environment variables, or using an agent.config file.

Specifying agent properties within the code

You can specify your agent configuration parameters by entering the parameters in the LightrunAgent.Start command.

For example,

LightrunAgent.Start(new AgentOptions {
    Secret = "<LIGHTRUN_SECRET>",
    PropertyName1 = "value" ,
    PropertyName2 = "value",

Specifying agent properties using environment variables

An alternative method for configuring agent properties is to enter them as environment variables. This can be done by adding a LIGHTRUN_ prefix to the configuration parameter. For example, to set the Lightrun secret key and server url in a .env file, we would use something similar to the following:

//.env file


Specifying agent properties using an agent.config file

You can also specify the agent properties using an agent.config file. Add the path to the agent.config file in your LightrunAgent.Start command using the AgentConfigFile parameter as shown in the example below.

LightrunAgent.Start(new AgentOptions {
   AgentConfigFile: '<PATH-TO-CONFIG>'

Order of precedence

When an application is run with a Lightrun agent, properties are defined in the following order of precedence:

  1. Start method parameter
  2. Environment variables
  3. agent.config file


Whenever changing agent configurations, save the changes and restart the application to apply the new configuration.

Configuration parameters

The following table lists the configuration parameters that can be set in the agent.config file, environment variables, or the LightrunAgent.Start command.

Parameter name Description Type Default value
ServerUrl Lightrun server URL URL
Secret Your organization's Lightrun secret key String
Tags An array of strings containing the tags to register the agent with. See metadata and tagging for more information. Array Production
DisplayName A unique name to identify the agent. String
AgentConfigFile The path to the config file with extra agent properties String agent.config
AgentLogTargetDir The directory in which internal agent logs file are stored. String Temp Folder
LogToStandardError Switch to logging to STDERR instead of logging to a file. Boolean false
AlsoLogToStandardError Enable logging to STDERR additionally to logging to a file. Boolean false
AgentLogLevel Minimum log level that is written to the log file (or to the Standard Error if such logging is enabled) AgentLogLevel AgentLogLevel.Information
StdErrThreshold Minimum log level that is written to the Standard Error. AgentLogLevel AgentLogLevel.Fatal
AgentLogMaxFileSize Maximum size in MB that a log file can reach before being rotated. Integer 10
AgentLogMaxFileCount Maximum number of rotated log files to keep, old files get deleted when this value is reached. Integer 5
RegistrationMetadataFile Path to a JSON file containing the agent's registration metadata (such as tags, and display name). String
CertificatePinningEnabled Enable/disable certificate pinning. When set to false, the agent will not perform certificate pinning when communicating with the API endpoint. Boolean true
PinnedCerts 64 character sha256 public key certificates hashes for certificate pinning. String ee80811b38e7e6c2dc4cc372cbea86bd86b446b012e427f2e19bf094afba5d12
RedactionEnabled Enable personally identifiable information (PII) redaction at the agent's side (may affect the application's performance) Boolean false
CustomDynamicLogger Custom logger for dynamic logs. Follow the instructions here to configure the CustomDynamicLogger. IDynamicLogger
MaxCaptureTimeMs The maximum time (in ms) to capture a snapshot. Integer 3000
MaxSnapshotBufferSize Maximum allowed total bytes for snapshots. This field cannot be set to 0. Integer 655360
MaxStringLength Truncates strings to the set size. Integer 1000
MaxCollectionSize Truncate collections to set size. Integer 100
MaxFieldCount Maximum number of fields to capture on an object. Integer 20
MaxDepthToSerialize Maximum object depth to serialize. Integer 3
MaxTimeToSerializeMs Maximum time in milliseconds for serializing an object. Integer 200
MaxActionCost Maximum cost in % of CPU consumption of breakpoint callback. Double 1
IgnoreQuota Disable CPU cost limitation. Boolean false
RequestTimeoutMs Timeout (in ms) used for long-polling the server. Integer 20000
UseSandbox Enable/disable sandbox for evaluating expressions Boolean false
LogCollectionCooldownMs How much time to wait (in milliseconds) between log collection requests from the server. Integer 0
LogCollectionMaxBytes The maximum volume of log data to send to the server upon log collection request. Integer 0
TransmissionBulkMaxSize The maximum size of data bulks that can be sent as updates to the server. Integer 10
TransmissionBulkMaxNetworkSizeLimitInBytes The maximum size (in bytes) permitted for data bulks transmitted to the server. Integer 2097152
TransmissionHardMaxNetworkSizeLimitInBytes Strict upper limit on the maximum size (in bytes) that can be transmitted to the server. TransmissionBulkMaxNetworkSizeLimitInBytes should be lower than this limit. Integer 20971520
ProxyServer See HTTP-Proxy configuration ProxyServerConfiguration

HTTP-Proxy configuration

ProxyServer property allows to configure an HTTP proxy server for the agent traffic.

Host and Port are mandatory settings, and should be provided together.

The proxy server should support CONNECT method.

Property name Description Type
Host HTTP-proxy host. string
Port HTTP-proxy port. int32
Username HTTP-proxy username string
Password HTTP-proxy password string

Also the proxy server configuration can be provided with corresponding environment variables:


or agent.config parameters:


Impact of Release mode optimizations on .NET snapshot results

Variables displayed in .NET snapshot results may differ between .NET Debug and Release modes due to optimizations applied in Release mode. In Release mode, certain variables may be unavailable, as the code is more optimized for performance, resulting in faster execution and smaller output. However, this optimization can remove or rearrange source code statements, which can make debugging more challenging.

Last update: January 20, 2025