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Add and invite users to your organization


  • Requires ROLE_MANAGER permissions.

Lightrun offers a number of methods to add users to your Lightrun organization:

  • Add Manually: Add users in the User Management page in the Lightrun Management Portal.
  • Self-service Link: Share a standardized invitation link that users can use to sign up on their own. This link can be copied and shared across the organization.

Add users manually

You can manually add users to your Lightrun organization, one at a time. This is suitable for scenarios where you can add a small number of users.

To use this method, enter the user's details, such as their name, email address, and any other required information, directly into Lightrun's user management interface. The user will then receive an email requiring them to authenticate their credentials.

Add a new user
  1. Log in to your Lightrun account.
  2. Click Settings in the bottom left corner of your Lightrun Management Portal.
  3. Navigate to Users under Identity and Access Management.

    The User Management page opens.

    User Management

  4. Click + Create a user.

    The user creation dialog will vary depending on your access control settings.

    • Basic Access enabled:

      The Create user page opens. To learn more, see Admin roles.

      Create a new user --half

      a. Fill in the user details.

      b. (Optional) Assign admin roles to the user to help you manage your users.

    • RBAC enabled (An Enterprise license is required):

      The Create user dialog opens.

      Add New User RBAC --half

      a. Fill in the user details. To learn more, see Manage users with RBAC.

      b. (Optional) Toggle System Admin to assign the user permission to help you manage your users.

      c. Assign users to groups. To learn more, see Manage groups.

      d. Click Create. The user is added to the management user list, and an email will be sent to the user to verify the account and then proceed to log in to Lightrun.

Invite users with a personalized email

This method is ideal for medium-sized organizations that want to control who is added and provide a more personalized invitation than a general URL.


Get quick access to Invite member on the main bottom left pane.

  1. Log in to your Lightrun account.
  2. Click Settings in the bottom left corner of your Management Portal.
  3. Select Users under Identity and Access Management.

    The User Management page opens.

  4. Click + Invite users.

    Invite member

    The Invite new users page opens.

    Invite member

  5. Enter the users' email addresses.

  6. Click Send to dispatch the invitations.

Self register using a predefined link

For larger organizations that need to onboard many users, self-registration via a preset URL allows users to independently enter their credentials and complete the registration process.

Using the Self Service feature, you can generate a unique, unmanaged link, to share across your organization. Note that this link is unmanaged, meaning that anyone with access to it can register. Users will be directed to a registration page where they can fill in their details, and join your organization.

Domain control with allowlist

To manage who can register using the Self-Service link, you can restrict registration to specific domains through the Domain Allowlist. Only users from the allowed domains will be able to register.

Rules and guidelines

  • The Self-Service feature is enabled by default and should be disabled when configuring SCIM.
  • Direct email invitations can still be sent to users even if their domain is not in the allowlist.
Set up a self service invite
  1. Log in to your Lightrun account.
  2. Click Settings located at the bottom left corner of your Management Portal.
  3. Navigate to Identity Configuration under Identity and Access Management.

    The Identity Configuration page opens.

  4. Scroll down to the Provisioning section, and ensure the Self Service toggle is enabled (it is enabled by default).

    Self service enabled

    By default, registration emails can be sent to all email addresses under any domain within the organization.

  5. (Optional) To limit registration to specific domains, list the allowed domains by listing their suffixes (e.g.,,, Domains not listed here will be excluded.

  6. Click Copy to copy the URL and share it with selected users.
  7. Click Save.

    When the user clicks the link, they will be directed to the Lightrun login page to complete their registration.

    Sign up to Lightrun --half

Last update: October 13, 2024